Sami people in the city.

They have put up their tents on the main street from the parliament towards the Royal castle. They have come to town to fight for their right to have their reindeer live and graze in peace on the land where it is built windmills for highly needed production of electricity. As a consequence they want the government to decide that the windmills are taken down. The Swedish well known environmental activist Greta Thunberg shall also be among them to support their cause. Took my bike downhill this morning to see how it was there. It was all very peaceful. No police to see, just a lot of peaceful sami people and curious people like me. I think the sami people shall be happy they live where they live and not in another country I would believe they would not be allowed to put up their tents in the main street of it`s capitol and around the country`s parliament building, and block large part of it`s city centre. Got a nice ride uphill back home, where I had a highly needed nap on the sofa.       

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