
By Susanna

Ice, it is ice, babe, painful day!

There has been frosty feelings during last night!
Cool day too, only few celsius degrees.

I made a walk during which I tested if my replacement knee will gain any pain - and if yes, when... the idea was to be able to tell the situation to the doctor as I meet her soon. 
As I had walked 1,3km a small pain came into my knee. But I was able to walk back home - altogheter 1,9km. 
As I had been home for a while the reaction in the knee started. A huge pain. Terrible. Really strong feeling. I took another painkiller and gave ice and high position for the knee. And I was ready to take opiates to help, but fortunately I the other meds helped. And I slept 3hours nap, after the worst pain.


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