
This was the scene by the time I went to collect Eben for his swimming lesson after school. The rain didn't dent his mood particularly, however. There was a stand-in swimming teacher this week, as the usual one is away. This week's guy took some time to spot the dynamic between Eben and Alfie (his friend who lives next door, and who goes to the same lesson). If they're anywhere near each other in the pool, they just mess about for the whole time, unaware of anything the teacher might be asking them to do. So the usual teacher keeps them apart, which works fine.  I found all this quite frustrating to watch... but by halfway through the lesson, it was sorted out.  In the end I appreciated the teacher's kind and patient approach.
Earlier in the day, I had a quick catch-up with Jack, Marianna and Frieda on WhatsApp video. They were sitting in a taverna on the island of Poros, about to order something tasty for lunch. Marianna was walking up and down with Simone in the baby sling: 'I need to keep moving, to keep her asleep!" she said. Frieda has been living in her swimming costume this week... it all looked blissful. Like here, however, this part of the autumn has been ominously warm in Greece.
Jack and I exchanged despairing thoughts about all the horror that is unfolding in Gaza and in Israel.  I don't know why our local Council saw fit to fly an Israeli flag from the Town Hall yesterday.  I'm glad that a protester climbed onto the roof and took it down. Humanitarian initiatives from the Council would be the right thing.

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