Sky geometry with four crows

I have been much alone since I had COVID-19. Sue is still testing positive after fourteen days, so I haven’t seen her. I cancelled my weekly visits with Margie till further notice, as I’m still having symptoms even though I’m testing negative. I have lost touch with many of my activist friends, and I don’t know what they’re doing. I see from RobBris50 that there are public actions in Bristol, but I haven’t heard a word about anything in Portland. The world around me has gone quiet, apart from the crows.

Every day I force myself to leave the apartment and walk for at least half an hour, though I’d be just as happy to stay in and work on my project.

I’m building a personal anthology of poetry I have loved, a gift to myself, one book and a way to let go of a whole bookcase full of poetry books that could be enjoyed by others if I weren’t hoarding them. I avoid taking in too much news. I haven’t watched any videos about Israel/Palestine because I don’t feel a need to see the suffering. I deactivated my X (formerly Twitter) account this morning because of the platform's rabid right-wing misinformation. 

Today Naomi Klein posted an opinion in the Guardian advocating “An international left rooted in values that side with the child over the gun every single time, no matter whose gun and no matter whose child.” I thank her for those words.

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