Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Wednesday: Car Port

And, just like that, Andrew’s visit is over.  K ran him up to Belize City this morning for his flight back via Miami.  

We had an excellent week - we enjoyed showing him around and particularly enjoyed drinking the beers he bought.  He’s excellent company.  And he’s also a good friend - we were chatting to him recently and were telling him of some of the struggles we had here.  Next thing we knew, he’d booked his flight to come and cheer us up.

It was back to work today with the usual emails and not knowing quite where to start.  It’ll take me a couple of days to catch up but I’ll get there.

I may have shown you this very exciting view before.  It’s our car port which, to my mind, has a curious 70s vibe to it.  

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