Rakokivi skyline
Rakokivi is the new center for our little "town". It used to be the Church Village, but that's how it evolves.
That sky was looking fabulous. It was supposed to be a sunny day, but it ended up raining on and off.
I did manage to take down most of the solar lights and hook up the Christmas lights. The Christmas lights have been there the whole summer. Thank goodness they all still worked.
I had a pretty interesting day work wise. I've applied for a job at this private Medical Center (huge company) and had the interview 19th of last month. They said they'll get back in two weeks. Last week I still had not heard anything, so I applied for a similar job for another company. That one is a carer company (don't know how else to say that). I did that application last Friday. Today they invited me for an interview for next week. I said sure. Few hours after that, the Medical Center called and offered me a work. Not full time, but a situation that I can pick up gigs I can do. And I can have that kind of arrangement with many companies if I want to.
So next Wednesday I'll have a training for the Medical Center and on Thursday the interview for the other company. I get to "shop around" a little and compare. Perhaps even be employed by both of them. I'll still do the support for the autistic high school boy. When I took that gig I told about my situation.
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