
By Martigan

Translation required?

Is there an "English" word for "Champ" - as in "I champed me thumb in the Car Door." (≥5-6 YEARS ago B T W) I can't, honestly, remember if this is the one I did just before a Hill walk; the lass wasn't best chuffed - I should have told her so we could got home.
       The thing is "we" wouldn't say "I've Champed the Taties in the Pan." We mashed them. Similarly, while we'd both close or shut a door we'd not, usually, say we shut our finger in the doors it was never "closed" - it opened every bit as fast as it closed and was never "secured".
       Anyway - point is, it never, fully, grew out; you may have noticed on the odd shot I didn't clone out.  It finally, recently, split, so I took off the "embarrassing" bits that attacked loose threads etc
I took this for a record to see:-
1. How long to grow out?
2. Will it now progress to its rightful station, or stop short as usual?
B T W - no pedant tell me that fingers thumb; it is mine I should know.

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