
By Farmerboab

All systems go.....

A bit of rain during the night,so spent the morning bringing in cows and calves to tag the calves. Moved them to different fields once they were done.
Checked the field of barley next to the quarry various times. By 2 pm the moisture was reading 20%. Far from ideal ,but decided to bite the bullet and get the contractor up to cut it. By the time I'd escorted the combine to the field I was running late for dropping Littlemiss at the station,so a quick drive back home to get her and dump her off. Was just heading home when she phoned to say the trains were cancelled,so about turn and an unscheduled trip into town. Junior was waiting for a lift home when we got there .
Back home by 4.30 so baled up the straw on the end rigs before the combine tramped them into the mud. This field is very soft, having been reinstated after having the sand and gravel extracted. Despite being drained there isn't any structure to the soil and it doesn't take much rain for it to turn into soup. There are a lot of deep tracks everywhere from the combine which is going to make baling the straw 'interesting' !
By 8 pm we had it all cut. The grain is averaging 19-20%.
Not brilliant ,but at least it's in the shed. Now only 25 acres to go......

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