
By SkiMe

Two Wheels Good

Second day on the motorcycle... and same for riding the bicycle at lunchtime. Amazing! Would one say that summer is here? (It should be noted that last year I was riding already in April!)

Good safe riding technique on the motorcycle still prevails, but I am gaining back my confidence quickly... watch out all you stupid drivers!!! haha

Actually there was quite a long cue this morning where they are doing some road works, and cutting lanes is the norm here. Otherwise, 5 minutes turns into 20 easily. Even with the wider BMW R, I am pretty slick at riding a straight line and knowing my space...

...and then at the head of the cue, I found an accident between a motorcycle and a car. doah! Stay calm!! Ride fast, but ride smart!!

Today at lunch was similar with a couple mad drivers not watching out or not giving consideration to the bicycles.

To finish, I give you a link to an article about David Byrne and urban cycling (with a nice mention to Northern Italy!)

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