
By ExtraDays

A Sigh of Relief

Ms soozaday is on the mend after her procedure yesterday, I'm relieved to know. Waiting to hear all about it after she and MisterS return home.

I also had a procedure today: One of the two primary canine teeth I've been sporting for all these decades finally split in two with half falling out - or so I thought. My great KP dentist said it was actually a filling that had fallen out, and I barely recall having had a filling there, sometime in the 90's I think. He refilled the tooth and advised me to keep doing what I've been doing. That's my plan: I want to keep those little insubstantial teeth until I die, the alternative could involve surgery and maybe even braces; maybe implants, though how can you attach an implant to a secondary tooth that has slowly, ever so slowly, crept downwards waiting for the baby tooth to get out of the way. Spoiler Alert: the Extra may be TMI.

Oh, I almost forgot, there may be a revolution going on in the waiting rooms of Kaiser Permanente: there was a New Yorker sitting there on a table, the very thing that has been missing since the pandemic and our reluctant and unavoidable switch to everything digital. Reading old magazines used to be the best thing about waiting rooms. I'll wager they kept doctor-visit blood pressure spikes at bay. Another Extra.

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