Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness...

With all due respect to Mr Keats, it's not that romantic...

We managed our time well today, and I got in both a decent walk with Janet and a cycle ride on my own before the rain started. Janet even got some gardening in too! And then it got darker, and damper, and then the clouds burst! 

Quick Pyrocanthus grab... at least the weather's allowed me to plough on through the Portugal album...

If you shoot Sony you'll know how pants the remote software is, and a while back I kickstarted a third party plug-in from Foolography called Unleashed. It arrived today - hurray - but the iOS app refuses to download from the App Store (I am too thick)... I did consider the date but I regard thirteen as lucky...

Still, not the weather for much outdoor photography for a few days. Where's me fancy hat? ;-)

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