
By Pleach

In the gardens of Holyrood Palace I came across this weather battered statue of David Rizzio which was hidden there apparently because Queen Victoria disliked it.  I haven't been able to find out more but it looks like wood which surely would have rotted by now.
 It is several years since I visited Holyrood Palace which is the official residence for the King and Queen in Scotland.  The free audio guide was very informative describing the various rooms especially those connected with Mary Queen of Scots who resided there at times, and the 17th century State rooms where meetings of national importance and investitures take place now.

Of interest to many visitors is the mark of “blood” on the floor in one room.  Among her interests Mary was keen on music and her favourite courtier was David Rizzio who was an accomplished musician and singer and became her private secretary much to the resentment of some of the nobles and her husband Lord Darnley.   One evening in 1566 she was having supper with Rizzio and four others, when Darnley and several nobles rushed up a private stairway into her room and threatened her with a pistol and dragged Rizzio out stabbing him over 50 times leaving marks of blood.  

The collage shows different aspects of the grounds with a sun and moon dial together with ruins of the adjacent Holyrood Abbey.  The stair is used in July when the Royal party greet guests at the annual Garden Party with the glorious views towards the slopes of Arthur’s Seat.
I chose this picture as number 37 in my series on Mary Queen of Scots.

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