Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Afternoon walk

Legend says, when you
can't sleep at night, it's
because you're awake in
someone else's dream


Last visit to my physiotherapist today. My hip is almost alright again and I haven't had any pain for some time now. Such relief!! I know I can't walk 15 kilometers without pain and today I've found out that 8 is a bit to much also. But, this means that I can walk home from work now, at last, and hopefully without pain. I took the opportunity to ask my physiotherapist about a problem I have with an old injury on my wrist and after he told me to do several movement he grabbed my arm and pushed down on a spot. I jumped! It was really hurtful and I was complaining afterwards. He didn't care at all, just laughed at me!! No, he's a kind and funny guy and he did know that my complaining wasn't as bad as it sounded.

Yesterday my new found friend told me that he thought I could finish my paper in two months, so with that said I'm going to start writing on it again. And since the weather is going to be less nice tomorrow, it's a perfect day to make a restart. I had it with me yesterday because I knew that I'd have some time to start re-reading it. So, 30 pages in English in 2 months?? Piece of cake!! :D (I hope...)

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