Hello Lovely Blippers,
Well, here we are out in the sunshine - it’s a good job it wasn’t Silly Saturday yesterday because we had some real downpours and we would have got very wet.
This morning it was lovely and sunny so Mrs. HCB said that it would be a good opportunity to have a game of conkers - well that’s all right as long as someone knows how to play the game!
Mr. HCB came to the rescue again first of all by making holes in some of the conkers and then threading them with string - from his greenhouse no less - and then we had to decide who was going to play. Leighton and Yosef the Yeti said they would play first, but we think that flicking your head when the conker is tied to your ear is not quite the way to do it! However, dear Admirer would laugh if she could see this.
Waiting in the background are Vincent and Kevin, but they seem to have the conkers round their ears too - perhaps Mr. HCB needs to have a quiet word with all of them. We are all looking forward to this conker game and there are plenty of conkers as you can see, so hope that we all manage to have a go.
You can all “have a go” by clicking on this LINK and you know that it makes a difference for those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram - so please keep clicking and we will keep conkering!
Just remember - BE KIND and if you can’t be kind, then walk away and perhaps have a game of conkers - just make sure you don’t bang someone’s knuckles!
With love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx
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