Wild Geese..

This morning had some fabulous light and then I got my camera and it went away. I was heading up the steps to go in when I heard the geese coming. They flew right overhead. I have another picture against a blue sky but the geese aren't as sharp as I'd like them to be. I loved this one of the sky and them heading off. They went for a landing in the Long Pond.

It actually has been a productive and beautiful day. I picked more beets that I will can next weekend. I also went through the zinnias and picked many for bouquets. I don't think it will freeze tonight but I want to get ready.
There were so many pollinators still on the zinnias that I didn't want to cut as many as I could. Bumblebees of all sizes, some honey bees, a couple American Lady butterflies and this beautiful, translucent four-spotted palpita moth.
I figured out how to make a collage from my computer photos and really wanted to include them as extras. They were so happy out in the flowers.
Today was an annular eclipse but even if it hadn't been cloudy we wouldn't have seen much. I have two friends from Laramie, one went to New Mexico and one went to southern Utah, to hopefully get a glimpse of the ring of fire. I haven't heard yet but I hope they were both successful.

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