Look Out

By chrisf


I travelled to Martin Mere this morning for a spot of birdwatching. I was very surprised when I arrived that the overspill car park was in use, and was filling up, but it turned out that this weekend the north west bird watching festival is being held there. Talks, displays, activities etc. I didn't really engage with it, but walking through the visitor centre I couldn't avoid a book stand, and I ended up buying a book signed by the author Bruce Kendrick. He wrote his first book (the one I've purchased) aged 73, has now written three, and opens Faclan, the Hebridean literature festival, on Monday. There is hope yet !

The first Whooper Swan arrived from Iceland on the 10th (Tuesday), quickly followed by others. These winter visitors from Iceland are noisy and feisty birds, very different from the quiet Mute Swans who are with us throughout the year. The arrival of these winter visitors signifies the change of the seasons, although remnants of summer are still trying to hang on  (extra) 

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