
By Janewatt


Pigeons lined up on roof of house in town.
Weather finally become cooler and a few very brief rain showers.
Went back to Brocante to see desk. Rather different from what I'd imagined but I'm buying it. We arranged he'd bring it round in about a month so I hopefully have time to clear the room.

Later went to posh cheese and wine shop. I'd been meaning to call in for ages. Very nice cheese selection, but I was a little shocked much was pre-wrapped in cling film. Couldn't resist buying a couple of things.

Didn't go to citizen's day. Nothing much seemed to be happening when I drove past the Mairie. I have to stop trying to do too much.

This evening I watched two things I'd recorded from UK tv. Have I got News for You and then Don't Look Now. Both excellent. Saw the film years ago. Once I got over Donald Sutherland's hair, the film was really frightening and menacing. Very well done and I enjoyed ot.

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