Ya dancer... @GlasgowGoMA

I was at Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art today to preview a quite wonderful small exhibition of Ian Hamilton Finlay prints for The Herald.
(Don't all rush at once as it doesn't opens 'til next Thursday.)
Afterwards, I met my friend, artist and actor, Charlie Jamieson for a coffee and then we wandered up to the main gallery.
I'd had a press release in my inbox about Siobhan Davies Dance presenting a new work every day this week here as part of the Every Day exhibition.
It was very quiet, and of course I ended up taking part...
The idea of this work, choreographed by Siobhan Davies, is that a single dancer interacts with the public and draws attention to the simple movements we make by breaking them down into basic instructions given to her by a member of the public.
The very lithe and lovely Helka Kaski laid on her back on the polished grey gallery floor and I had to tell her how to get up and what parts of her body to move in the process.
Not as easy as it sounds and I ended up getting down on the ground beside her and doing it myself so I could tell her what to do.
It reminded me of my late mum's experience. She had a brain aneurism at the age of 52, followed by a stroke some years later.
On both occasions she had to relearn basic physical actions.
Anyway... Back to GoMA. Charlie was good enough to take pics of me but I feel a bit uncomfortable putting them up here. I'm not sure what that says about me.
Probably that I think my bum looks huge compared to Helka's!
It was an interesting experience.
You can see it every day until Sunday at GoMA. There's also an artist talk tomorrow Thursday 13th, at 6pm.

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