
By Thepainterswife


I started Blipfoto way back because my wonderful friend in the UK , Ninjashoe/ Josephine put me onto it.
We met back in the 1990’s in Australia while both doing our OE’s.
I ended up in the Uk , flatted with her, lifelong friendship.
Blipping has meant that we’ve followed each others lives through marriage, children etc.
Our mutual friend C , from NZ and is my friend since we were teenagers, who is not a blipper was in the UK recently, they both caught up after 30 odd years.
C and I live a fair distance from each other these days and she came down to see me this weekend. Bringing with her a gift for me from J that she had carried all the way home from the UK.
A beautiful gift, pic had to be taken to send to J of me receiving it.
We just happened to be out having cocktails!

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