Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

More Discovery

This morning I casually asked Orla what she would like to do today, and she immediately said "I want to go to the museum with the space section and the big slide, in the fun area". It took me a little while to realise what she meant (I was mislead by the reference to a museum); she was referring to the Discovery Storytelling Centre in Stratford. So we headed there this afternoon. There was a storytelling session for babies, so I took them both along for Conor's benefit. However, Orla basically hijacked the proceedings, creating an elaborate ending for the story. It got very involved, encompassing a splashdown in the ocean, rowing a wooden boat back to shore, tying a lasso like a cowboy and then using it to tow the rocket back to shore. That's what happens when you take an exuberant 4 year old to a session meant for under 3s!

Only two days left in London. Where has the time gone?

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