It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Quiiiick...march ....Left Right Left Right.....;-)

Hit L to view large

If you view large you can see John doing the "Gravett Growl" over the side of the bridge.

Sorry John I really couldn't resist after the amount of stick Cat and I get from you........Us girls need to stick together you know. lol

I need your help after all this as I tried countless times to do it how you showed me but failed miserably! I had to copy and paste. Im sure when you show me once again it might???......sink in ;-)

Woman......Blonde....not sunk in yet ;-(

OMG one day left of my holiday ;-(

I dare say John will throw his hands up in the air with Glee. However I have met some more lovely people and its been fab. I think we may have Catherine addicted to blip and hopefully we have recruited another Blipper. So hurry up Peter and get your first picture on!

Cheryl M..... Catherine is in your neck of the woods and no doubt you two could blip meet.
Check out catchapman and make sure she keeps blipping.

I have my 2015 holiday sorted as Im going to go with John and LPH to the USA! Wooohoooo and hopefully Catherine will be doing that trip too.
Over a year to save up ;-)

TTFN Blipplovlies
Draco x

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