
By johnlocke47

Invisible friends.

Today 4 friends are coming out to Spain to see us for one week. This pic is a photo of us playing cards at night over a beer and catching up on the news. Well it should have been but they got to the airport in time to leave East Midlands Airport at 9.30.
The flight was delayed until around 12.30 I went on line and found out it was then taking off at 3.30..We had a text from them at 6.30 saying that they were just boarding but did not know when they would be taking of because of the amount of planes waiting for clearance .They rang to say that the flight was now cancelled at 9.00 having been sitting on the plane for 2 hours and they will ring us in the morning regarding what they will do.
The French air controllers ,don't we just love them.

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