
By sharon143

Took me ages to get to sleep last night and then woke very early. Another sunny autumnal day so after a vacuuming the house I went into garden and planted some perennials. Just need to wait for all the Cosmos to die now then I can plant the rest and also the bulbs which I have definitely overbought!
Drove over to Dad’s to take him to the hospital. When we arrived he was admitted to a day ward and I couldn’t go in with him. It didn’t really matter - the main reason I go is that his hearing isn’t that good and he doesn’t wear his hearing aids! They said he would only be about an hour so had just got a coffee and newspaper when G phoned. He was at the hospital with C and she was up for another visitor si I went up to the ward. She was a bit drowsy when I arrived as she was coming out if sedation - had had an endoscopy- but perked up a bit whilst I was there. She has lost s lot of weight . Went back to collect Dad who was fine- they found an enlarged prostate but nothing else and he will probably decide to live with it. Very slow journey home- was going to stop next to the woods for a blip but just wanted to get home so here is the sky from my bedroom window when I eventually arrived- photo doesn’t do it justice.

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