Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

‘Friends Forever’ Rose…

… A gift from a good friend years ago, dug up from our previous home and still happy here. It sits on the patio with my ‘Mum’, similarly dug up and brought with us (in rose form!).

The sepals of a rose (‘hidden’ geometry is astonishing me more and more!) unfold in a beautiful fivefold sequence, one at a time. Just as kids would draw a five pointed star, without taking the crayon from the page, each sepal being a point. Who knew?

I’m about to approach a pile of ironing.
Here’s to the colder weather when creases can stay under jumpers!
(My first job, centuries ago, was at a bank. Men were not allowed to take off their jackets unless extremely unusual temperatures affected the banking hall and the Bank Manager permitted it.
I recall one chap, whose Wife had just given birth, had been congratulated on ironing his shirt so well, all by himself (I know, and in living memory!). On a sweltering afternoon he removed his jacket to reveal severe crinkles everywhere, except for two neatly pressed lines either side of the buttons.
Sensible chap. And how times have changed).

Podcast and ironing then… Onward.

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