
By Sonset25

Still blooming

Started the day with an early morning dog walk.  Fairly mild weather.

Quick trip to town.  Treated myself to some light walking boots.   Good for dog walking and better than wearing my lined wellies. 

Took hound for walk when I returned from town.  Rain was forecast for the afternoon. 

Readeasy student after lunch.  We're getting through Jane Eyre.  I last read it in my teens, some half century ago.   I remember being very moved by it but very little of the details have stuck in my memory.  I'm very glad my student selected it.

For dinner made my 'orange risotto' with some roasted sweet potato, carrot and butternut squash,  chopped cavolo nero and puy lentils.  Very tasty.

Now to chill before bedtime.

Stay safe and dry.

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