
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

"Moist" is a word that sets Briar off. I recently described a cake as moist and she collapsed into giggles. 

She then continued to INTERRUPT me throughout the rest of our chat by interjecting "moist" at inappropriate times. 

I tried to replace the word with "damp" or "wet" but really I was just making the situation worse and I gave it up.

This came up again today. We (the fun people in the office) went for ice-cream at lunch time. We sat on the grass and talked rubbish and ate McFlurries. 

"Is the grass wet though?" asked someone. 

We decided we didn't care until we sat down. 

"Oh. It IS a little moist," admitted Luke.

And she was off again. 

When we got up we all realised we had wet bums. Luke kind of looked like he'd had an unfortunate accident. Of all the days to wear tan chinos.

"Moist," repeated Briar. 

I think it's her new favourite word.

In other news, Fazzy was in the office today but I didn't see her. We were both really busy and flitting from meeting to meeting. However she did have time to take THIS PICTURE, mocking me for not noticing she was there. 


p.s. As I was leaving work I saw Luke again. We had the following conversation:

LUKE: I feel like I've hardly seen you today!
ME: Yes, I've been in heaps of meetings. But at least we had our lunchtime where we were able to get moist together.
LUKE: I always get moist around you.

It's childish, but it keeps her happy.

p.p.s. Actually re-reading this reminds me of a conversation that Auslaender and I had with Glenn Grant back in 1997.

Auslaender told GG that his least favourite word in the entire English language was "moist" and that "soiled" came in a close second.

GG couldn't resist. 

"Moist... soiled... KNICKERS," he breathed, with obscene glee.

How little I have evolved that such conversations still take place all around me. I swear I am never the instigator.

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