The short and the tall

My team went out for lunch today. Just our usual haunt across campus and down the road, Foo San. Excellent Chinese and thankfully one colleague can speak it.

This is a couple of my colleagues, one quite tall and the other short. If I was in the line up I'd be in between. As you can see it's down jacket weather, though in the scheme of things it's going to get a lot colder.

I've had a long talk tonight with my sister Jennie. She is visiting Mum and Dad and doing a fantastic job of attending to them. I spoke to Mum too. She sounded bright and is enjoying having a daughter with her. They've seen the doctor and visited the hospice. A new medication regime takes effect from tomorrow morning.

My turn to visit in just over 2 weeks.

In the more immediate I have my whiskey to finish and bike pannier to pack in preparation for work tomorrow. The thought snuggling into my warm bed is a good one.

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