Storm Babet

Gales blowing all day, overcast but a dry day.  Much the same tonight. 

Up early, headed into Lerwick for a dentist appointment.  Not great when you have to get a wisdom tooth pulled out, and numb for the next few hours.  Popped by Laura's on my way to work.  A mumbled conversation and a cuppa.  Late shift in the airport again, a day on the check-in desk.  The first two flights made it in, but everything else was cancelled for the day, due to the high winds here and on the Scottish mainland.  Flights full for tomorrow, fingers crossed for a better day.  Walkies with Sammy, now feet up. 

Storm Babet arrived with a bang.  Not a windy as predicted, possibly gale force 10 battering the east coast.  I had hoped for a coastal walk to see the waves, but after the dentist trip, staying in the car watching from a distance was the right choice.  Although it hasn't rained today, there has been water in the air, salty water from the spindrift.   The waves were incredible to watch as usual, I do love a good gale.   Looking down to the old Haa, Quarff, note the man walking along the banks.  

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