Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Mixed day

Woke after a good night, no rain but grey sky.

After breakfast we ventured to the Spinnaker tower, my sister had agreed to go up and see the view. Unfortunately, the lift was out if action and unsure if it would be fixed today. Option of climbing the 500 steps!! No way, my sisters mobility is quite reduced.

More shopping, then the scenic route home. Dropped my sister off at home, she was planning on having a rest (possibly a siesta).

The heavens opened and we had a large amount of rain in a few minutes. Walking Lili in between showers showed the puddles!

Out to dinner for a pre-birthday celebration (it’s tomorrow). Meal washed down with a lovely berry spritz (gin based), desert was a chocolate bomb (very tasty) finished off with a Baileys.

Lovely trip away with my sister and great meal out tonight. Roll on tomorrow.


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