michigan man

By outdoorguy

Cookie Night, O Yes It's Cookie Night

It definitely isn't Merrick's first cookie night, but it is the first night for baby Sage. She did brandish the frosting knife for 1 cookie, but quickly learned her forte was putting sprinkles on the cookies that her Grandma Lori frosted. So cute, though.

As for Merrick, how did his frosting night go? He likes to say that he doesn't just frost...that he creates masterpieces. How many did he create? 8

The other 200 cookies baked by Grandma Lisa were decorated by sister Terrie, b-i-l Steve, Lori, Lisa, niece Markie, s-I-l Doug, and me. (I only did a handful. (I COULDN'T GET A SEAT AT THE TABLE!) For a while, I was the pick-up man. You need a lot of room to frost that many cookies.

They will rest in the freezer until Halloween night.

Merrick and Sage were asked to make a funny face for the picture.

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