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By NessD

Epic fail

The perils of a pre-planned blip. I had planned a photo of the round table in the Great Hall as a epic tale to contrast with my epic fail. Instead the gods/the fates/the heavens things conspired against me and this was as close as I got. I should have guessed something was amiss from the three police cars lined up by the Westgate.

Anyway, onto more important epic fails. In the end my migraine made the decision for me. I didn't even manage to leave the house this morning, let alone drive 90+ minutes to Uni and stand up and give a presentation. I wouldn't have even dared drive round the block.

I'd 90% made the decision last night when I was trying to work through the brain fog (at least I made it to upright) to get to the point of having something. In 20+ years of migraines I've learnt that if I fight them they win. Always. So why did I think this was going to be any different. Way, way worse again today. And of course now I have the post migraine blues exacerbated by the enveloping feelings of failure.

K said "make a decision and stick to it"*. He said "let it go". He said "don't beat yourself up about it". I hear the words, I understand the sentiment but I can't actually do any of that. Yet. Hopefully as the blues pass I'll be able to start being more forgiving of my failings.

I'm tossing up between washing up and Glee to make myself feel better.


* he had spent the earlier part of the evening building me up too bless him.

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