campervan man

By campervan

Still waiting for Babet

Trip to Norwich to buy last minute things for D3's wedding, surprisingly very successfully. I think we are now both kitted out for the event.
When in Norwich in the morning  it is a tradition to go to the department store Jarrolds for lunch, usually in the top floor restaurant. It has also become a tradition when in the restaurant to have a portion of pie,  one available every day, various fillings. Sometimes you win the jackpot, the last slice in the tray because all the bits left off of previous servings are put on your plate. Today I was a winner, there was so much pie filling (steak and potato) there was hardly any room for vegetables. It was almost a blip but I thought about eating before I thought about photography. Overfull and a bit uncomfortable for the rest of the afternoon.
The two guys in the chairs were obviously very good friends and were chatting happily as they drove side by side through the arcade. This caused chaos, people in front of them having to squeeze into the side as they went through and people behind trying to get past them. As I was only standing taking pictures I found the whole thing very amusing, I think I was in a minority

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