A single moment in time

By WannabeAmateur

Almost Christmas!!

One thing I miss about living in the city is having access to a good gym, but it has meant that I do a lot more running which I love. However I don't like to run every day as that inevitably means injuries (for me anyway) but I don't have access to a gym to do some cross training on a bike or cross trainer. So, imagine my sheer delight and giddiness when they announced at work they were installing a gym!!! Which is a real treat considering there is only around 300 of us in the Edinburgh site. It opened this week and so, today when I usually have a rest day, I was able to squeeze in a quick session before work. Changing rooms, hairdryer, a socket for hair straighteners!! The working Mums are ecstatic - a free gym right on our doorstep and it's about 10 steps from my office.

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