
By weeflecky

Fag break.

Where the bridge once was.

Captainbob and I walked the dog through the village to see where our bridge has been demolished. It's difficult to see the details in my photos I think. 
Latest news is that a replacement bridge should be in place by the middle of next week. 

Feeling very thankful to all our local superheroes  - Our postie Carol who braved the various diversions and road closures to get our mail to us. We both got parcels and it felt like Christmas. 
Our fishmonger who delivered to our Kilmelford Fish Club all the way from Lochgilphead.  (that's a huge detour). So we can have our fish and chips tonight,  ( and tuna steaks tomorrow) and I'm wearing my new top that arrived with the postie.
And all those workmen who are working on the bridge 24/7 despite what the weather's throwing at them.

There are lots of good people out there.

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