
By fennerpearson

Kersal Wetlands (again)

I'd only planned to run four miles before work, this morning, but it was perfect running weather - sunny with a chill in the air - and, in the end, I couldn't resist a longer run, going out around the old racecourse. 

And in the evening, the Minx and I took the miniMinx along to The Everyman to watch 'Stop Making Sense'. Admittedly, I did see it just last week, but I enjoyed just as much this time, if not slightly more (possibly down to the cinema).

And although I had encouraged the miniMinx to come with us, I did have a worry halfway through that she'd be bored but she said did enjoy it*, which was very gratifying.

*To be entire truthful, she said she enjoyed about 80% of it, and chatting about it on the way home, I think that's probably a fair - and still gratifying - estimate.

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