Living Geography

By geoblogs

London Film Festival

A bit of an epic, fuelled by Nurofen and soft foods... My son and I were heading for London for the London Film Festival, but the trains between Ely and Downham weren't working. Drove to Cambridge North train station where we ended up on a train to Liverpool Street. Elizabeth Line to TCR, and down to Foyles, Fopp and Covent Garden for lunch before heading for the Royal Festival Hall. We had tickets for the World Premiere of Chicken Run 2: Dawn of the Nugget - watched the Aardman people - Nick Park et al arrive and then in - past the figures from the films in glass cases - entertaining film... out and had ice cream. My son had tickets for another film gala: 'Poor Things', so I had a wander, photographs in nice evening light, and a drink and read my new book by Ha-Joon Chang, then met up and we just missed a train to Cambridge North so had an hour to wait.. finally home just before midnight after a dash along the A14 and A11 home. 

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