
This wee Jedi started coughing yesterday morning,  and by just after midnight he was awake barking like a seal like every 10 seconds. The poor wee lad couldn't get to sleep. Even after I gave him meds and throat spray. He's going for a general anesthetic on Wednesday so we thought it best to get him a out of hours appointment.  He's got steroids and antibiotics.  I'm hoping tonight will be better for him. I brought him downstairs last night and tried to get him to sleep cuddling into my chest with me sitting up. Needless to say I've had extra coffee to get me through the day. 

Xander is knackered.  He had slept in the jedis room last night and wouldn't go back to his room for quite a while. 

I had to go to tesco today and buy a king-size waterproof sheet. As a certain wildling had a accident in my bed again.  She's banished now. Lol. 

Tomorrow we're all suppose to be going swimming.  I booked a private pool a few weeks ago. I'll have to sit on the side with the Jedi. But the big wildlings are looking forward to that. 

Apologies if I don't get round to everyone tonight.  I'll definitely be going to bed as early as I can. 

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