My Life With Luna

By chrisA

This was my lower garden earlier, the water levels are still rising and the little sapling in the thumbnail is now completely under water.    Fortunately my bungalow is on a higher level so we should be OK.   
I feel Luna thinks I'm being a wicked Mum because I won't let her go outside, the river is running fast and she could be swept away in an instant.   So we've had extra walks today, although the meadows and fields are all under water too, so we've stuck to the lanes and footpaths.
Several local villages have been completely cut off by flooding.   Yesterday Alfie and his friend took their tractors to assist those stranded in the out lying villages, I'm very proud of them.   My heart goes out to those people who have lost their homes and so much more both locally and nationally, such a difficult time for them. 

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