61 F/ 16 C

If we had a day
of sunshine, these colours would
be a symphony! 


I was very slow leaving the house this morning. I was up before 7 having a discouraging look out over the city. It's a cloudy day with no promise of sun in the forecast. 

I drove down the hill to Schubert Drive about 9 so I could enjoy the colours of fall along the North Thompson River. I stopped where I could see across to my mountains. I took several shots looking to the far shore. The reflections are really lovely. I got a shot along the Rivers Trail where I was located and took some photos of the mountain ash tree beside me. These colours would be glorious in full sun. 

I came home with some breakfast and coffee. I'm in for a quiet day at home. My daughter is fully engaged with a wedding event this weekend so I don't expect to see her. 

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