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By Letters

Too much stuff

Despite what seems like dozens of skip runs, several highly illegal bonfires plus the selling and giving away of stuff on a grandly benevolent scale, I still have too much stuff. It all seemed sensible to take on the move, but now I am wondering where to put it all. Indeed I am wondering why I keep most of it.
That framed picture of the local secondary pupils on day one of the new term might be for the chop. Yes my sons are in it but then so are over 300 other pupils making individual recognition slightly unlikely since the head size is around 1.5mm/pupil. You would need Satnav to find anyone even remotely recognisable.

I will keep granny Hills coal scuttle of course but not for its sentimental value, it's just that the new place has coal fires. Likewise the chainsaw and generator since you just never know when Western civilisation may break down completely and a good preppy never takes chances with such things.

All in all though, I really need to reduce the sheer bulk of it all for the next move in 4 months time. The photographic equipment of course has to stay as does Aunt Margaret's Murano glass clown but who really needs more than 3 pairs of underpants?

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