Seagull Tale

Our daughter teaches some of the less academic, younger students at her school. The other day, one of them came in to school very proud of his new school bag which apparently was almost as big as him. The next morning he came in and slammed the bag on the floor, obviously in a strop.

When Kate asked him what the matter was, he said, "A seagull's shitted on my school bag, Miss."

Kate tried to keep a sympathetic straight face and said "Well, I'm sorry to hear that,____, but perhaps you could have used a more appropriate word."

The boy thought for a moment before he replied, "But, Miss, I don't know another word for seagull."

Any attempt at maintaining a straight face was abandoned at this point.

Apart from giving me the chance to share her story, I rather liked the shape of the gull and a welcome glimpse of blue sky after a grey day.

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