River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: More Cooking Apples

A chilly 4°C again at 7:30am, but a fine and sunny day.

MrD went off to the hills on his motorbike, he got very wet at one stage but was dried out by the time he got home mid afternoon.

I put washing out late morning, the sun is lower at this time of the year and the trees are still in leaf so the sun doesn’t reach the washing line until early afternoon … but everything dried nicely and brought in before the dampness of late afternoon.

Before lunch I collected all of the elderflower branches I’d pruned a few days ago, cut them up and now in green bin. My tub of Sea Buckthorn also died during last summer’s drought, they grow down near our beach - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2489517502434904266 - but they can be invasive so I’m not bothered, I can always collect wild ones if I wish!

Biscuits put out for the hedgehogs around 4:30pm and the first customer, which I think is the larger hedgehog was busy crunching ten minutes later - I could hear it from the garage door :-)

Did lots of reading, “Murder in Merrywell” is certainly a page-turner … with lots of surprises!

Today’s Bramley apples will need to be eaten over next few weeks, I’m sure the birds will help too! :-))

Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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