
By Wildwood

A Rainy Sunday

Sometimes it is the back of the quilt that gives me more trouble than the top! The challenge is usually, as it was today, to make a long narrow piece of fabric fit behind a short fat one. I engaged John to help me with it, especially since the pieces of fabric are large and unwieldy, so I thought he could help me lay it all out, which he did.

The challenge came when the engineer who thinks in numbers and the artist who does everything visually tried to work together on figuring where to make the cuts to achieve the desired result. It is almost as if we are speaking two different languages. The problems began with with the measuring. John rejected my trusty tape measure which had one end chewed by some long gone pet and is taped together, returning with a folding ruler which I deemed an antique. The compromise solution was that I would do it my way, he would do it his way, and we would compare conclusions before I made any definitive cuts.

The solution presented itself to me as I went along, and John confirmed that he thought it would but I could tell that he wasn't getting the picture. I will concede that whichever solution was adopted, the ability to remember a number long enough to find a pencil and paper and write it down would have been helpful....

While all this excitement was going on the rain was coming down in unexpectedly heavy amounts; amounts which would characterize as the 
first real rain of the winter season. It was the sort of rain that tended to upend the simplest plan to do something outdoors. The sky would lighten up but by the time we donned our jackets and got the leash it would start to rain again. We finally gave up on that plan and broke our
my rule not to throw the Kong in the house.

The next problem to be solved was what to have for dinner. The larder yielded a bit of lettuce, an acorn squash and two small servings of leftover mac and cheese which John deemed not dinner, so he has gone out to get fish and chips, while I settle for an oft taken picture through the bedroom door. It does show the rain, or the effects of it, better than any other oft taken shot I tried.

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