Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Abandoned - Part 2

I have visited this abandon farm on a couple of different occasions. There is just so much good stuff to see here, but I have not been able to go back due to the poor weather. Fortunately, the weather briefly turned beautiful this afternoon and I was able to sneak out.

In this shot, you see a barn with some kind of holding pens. Someone told me that this used to be a pig farm and so I was thinking that these were where they held the animals. This picture was shot through the well lit window on the right.

I like this picture because I think the linear pattern of the poles is interesting. I also really like the lighting and the interesting patterns on the floor. As I type this, I am debating between the B&W and color versions. Currently I am leaning towards the B&W because it emphasizes the light more.

Clone stamp layer to move distracting wire
Channel mixer layer for B&W conversion
Contrast layer
(If interested, here is the original shot in color)

Constructive criticism always welcome.

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