Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The Ascension Card set by Diana Cooper.

The Feast Day of Saint Anthony Mary Claret. 1807 - 1870. Ordained as a Carthusian priest in 1835. Patron saint of Weavers. Founded the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The rain is loud and especially so on the roof of our lovely conservatory.
I went out for my morning walk for exercise, thankfully before the Heavens opened.

I bought one newspaper as the puzzle page is second to none.

Paul made progress with the possessions in the garage and stoically took a few loads up to the loft.

I have been watching godtv and doing my housework.
It is cold here and the heating is only used frugally, to keep us and our plants well. Not all day.

I hope you all have a pleasant day.

Thank you for your kind comments.

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