The Road Less Travelled

By kirstyk

Strange Day

Got into the shower this morning and it didn’t work. Aargh!
Begged the electrician to come.
The circuit that kept tripping out didn’t trip out for the electrician. He was sceptical. Maybe it was the shower pump that caused chaos. No one knows.
Turned out that the switch I thought was for the towel rail was the master for the office annex, the whole thing is wired to a 13 amp switch - one problem easily solved but happy not to own this badly wired house!!
Didn’t realise that the septic tank pump power was also out so when the power came on an alarm went off screaming across the garden for three hours because it was too full. Eek!
So now office restored, bio bubble happy again, but no way to have a shower. Happy days!
Ate two lemon posset because had to empty freezer. Bad day lol ;-)

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