Quiet day in, sorting stuff out, so a boring Blip of the mixed hi-fi system.

From the top, and the only bit bought new (a while ago), a DAB radio. I listen to a lot of radio. Despite having only a single speaker (i.e. being mono), like all DAB radio's, it receives stereo. Therefore it's permanently connect to give stereo via the amp.

Middle - ancient Rotel amp (circa 1973) that I was given back in 1988, when the owner decided to buy something newer. Gained the speakers too. Has all worked flawlessly. I don't abuse it, or upset the neighbours...

Bottom - old CD-player received from my brother in about 1990. He'd said it would periodically jump, and since marrying, his wife had one that worked better. I still insisted he take something for it. Just as well, first thing I did, was to read the manual. "Ensure to remove the transit screw, prior to use." Not doing so could certainly cause it to jump, with just the slightest provocation. I phoned him to ask if he'd removed it. The ensuing pause gave the answer before he did. We still laugh about it...

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