Feeling better

By Suziep71


This is my breaky as its all that we get time for some days.
Belvita type biscuit and a cuppa. They are quite nice actually.

Work was ridiculously busy but as I said and thanked on my FB that if it wasn't for a great team leader and staff it wouldn't have been as much fun but more stressful.

I went out for tea with my friend Hazel who I go to Scarborough with in Nov. We went to Frankie and Bennys. Not a great experience. The starter took ages to come. Then the main was cold and when was redone it was greasey.

I have never bothered to do a review which they say on the back of your receipt you can get £5 for doing etc but I will be tonight.

Apart from that it was good company. Hazel can talk for England so I just nodded it the right places. She's great. Always there if I need a dog sitter etc.

Good thing that happened today -

Despite being busy we had a laugh.

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