Yamkela iKapa

By lindseydw

On top of Lion's Head again

At Patrick's suggestion, we decided to climb up this puppy after work today. Half the original climbing crew was lost to a flattened tire on Jane's old mini, but they had a good 75% of the collective beer stash and so took it to Clifton Beach and waved at us from the shore once we reached the top. We originally thought we'd rush a bit up and down to reach the bottom before dark, but in the end, we loitered at the top like never before. We ate rice cakes and drank Savannah's and talked to the people we met up there from all over the place. We had a lengthy discussion about Canada for some reason.

And I know about sunsets and have seen quite a few I think, but never have I watched one like this. Maybe it was because we were on the top of a mountain that looked over the ocean, so there was no haze nor boats nor beach crowds to get in the way and we could see so much ocean. I'm not sure. But it was like if you took a round disk of chocolate and pressed its edge into the bottom of a really hot pan, holding it vertically, and watched it melt there in a pool along the bottom. It was like that except the disk was flaming orange and the pan was blue. I just had never noticed before how much it looked like the sun was melting like that.

As we came down, we watched the city lights come on one by one. It turned into this really great Christmas lights display at our feet. And you know those bulbs that are stuffed in clear plastic tubing and have that option to make the lights look like they?re running? The highway that wraps around the mountain looked exactly like that.

Then we went to dinner at the UNC/Duke intern house and hung out at Jane's. Patrick and I walked home from the depths of Obz in the middle of the night and made it to Rondebosch without being mugged or even harassed once. Jane says that makes us legendary.

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