
By ChubbasMummy

Sad Day, Big Reunion

Well today just went from back to worse.

This morning it was ARs second immunisations which I had to go out the room for because I couldn't handle seeing her hurt again.

Then off to solicitors to sort out stuff. Then to social workers due to being reported by some jealous idiot. But they just signed off the case once I spoke to her haha. Unlucky for you karma is gonna bite you in the bum.

We lost one of our lovely youth workers last night with us all finding out today, and it just tearing us apart. All the ghosts of Midlothian Youth Platform decided to reunite for support tonight.

Rest In Peace Ros I love you and will miss you so much.

It was so good to see everyone aagain, not the best circumstances but still good to see everyone and can't wait to see them again, for a nicer reason next time.

So now going to settle in bed and try to sleep

Night and love xoxo

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